Piggybanker's Guide $help


    $price(ticker) → (ex: $price aapl)

      Returns & updates the live price of the specified ticker

      Aliases: $quote, $$, $get_price


    $gainers(ticker) → (ex: $gainers aapl)

      Returns the top gainers of the day

      Aliases: None


    $losers(ticker) → (ex: $losers aapl)

      Returns the top losers of the day

      Aliases: None


    $active(ticker) → (ex: $active aapl)

      Returns the most active/traded stocks of the day

      Aliases: None


    $summary(ticker) → (ex: $summary aapl)

      Returns an in-depth summary for the specified ticker

      Aliases: None


    $financials(ticker) → (ex: $financials aapl)

      Returns an in-depth financials summary for the specified ticker

      Aliases: $fin, $fins, $financial


    $news(ticker) → (ex: $news aapl)

      Returns the top news articles for specified ticker

      Aliases: None


    $insider(ticker) → (ex: $insider aapl)

      Returns insider trading data for specified ticker

      Aliases: $ins, $inside, $ii


    $crypto(ticker) → (ex: $crypto aapl)

      Returns the top 10 cryptocurrencies of the day

      Aliases: None


    $suggest(message) → (ex: $suggest "this is awesome!")

      Allows users to suggest updates, issues, bugs, or new ideas

      Aliases: None


    $daily(enable/disable) → (ex: $daily enable/$daily disable)

      Returns a daily round-up of market news each morning along w/ an inspirational quote

      Aliases: None

$get Commands

$get 52wk

    $get 52wk(ticker) → (ex: $get 52wk aapl)

      Returns 52 week high & low of the specified ticker

      Aliases: None

$get volatility

    $get volatility(ticker) → (ex: $get volatility aapl)

      Returns monthly volatility along w/ a volatility rating

      Aliases: None

$get performance

    $get performance(ticker) → (ex: $get performance aapl)

      Returns data/performance of specified ticker over different time intervals

      Aliases: $get perf

$get rsi

    $get rsi(ticker) → (ex: $get rsi aapl)

      Returns the rsi (relative strength index) of specified ticker along w/ rating

      Aliases: None

$get dividends

    $get dividends(ticker) → (ex: $get dividends aapl)

      Returns dividend rate, yield, & growth of specified ticker

      Aliases: $get dividend, $get div, $get divs

$get low/high

    $get low/high(ticker) → (ex: $get low/high aapl)

      Returns day high & low of specified ticker

      Aliases: $getlh, $get dayLow, $get dayHigh

Options Commands


    $calls(ticker [date] [strike]) → (ex: $calls aapl/$calls aapl 10/1/21 150)

      Returns all call options for specified ticker or indicated date/price

      Aliases: $call


    $puts(ticker [date] [strike]) → (ex: $puts aapl/$puts aapl 10/1/21 150)

      Returns all put options for specified ticker or indicated date/price

      Aliases: $put


    $options(ticker) → (ex: $options aapl)

      Returns all available calls & puts for specified ticker

      Aliases: None

$portfolio Commands

$p buy

    $p buy(ticker shares [price]) → (ex: $p buy aapl 10 145/$p buy aapl 20)

      Creates user portfolio if not already made & buys specified ticker w/ specified number of shares at a specified price (if inputted)

      Aliases: None

$p sell

    $p sell(ticker shares [price]) → (ex: $p sell aapl 10 147/$p sell aapl 20)

      Sells specified ticker w/ specified number of shares at a specified price or just specified number of shares at market price if price not specified

      Aliases: None

$p remove

    $p remove (ticker [transaction]) → (ex: $p remove aapl buy)

      Remove specified tickers from either bought or sold transactions. If transaction not specified, will remove specified ticker from both.

      Aliases: None

$p clear

    $p clear → (ex: $p clear)

      Clears user’s entire portfolio

      Aliases: None

$p show

    $p show → (ex: $p show)

      Displays/shows user’s portfolio w/ total equity, change, investment, & pie chart

      Aliases: None


    $csv → (ex: $csv)

      DMs users a formatted csv file of their portfolio (both active & closed trades)

      Aliases: None